Palm Kernel Expeller (PKE) Product Case
Palm Kernel Expeller (PKE) is a by-product of the palm oil industry in South East Asia. The palm kernel expeller is used as animal feed for sheep, poultry, horses, and cows. The palm kernel is rich in a variety of nutrients that include protein, fiber, iron, zinc, and magnesium. It also contains palmitic acid and residual oil.
Palm Kernel Expeller is a brown powder, mostly with 1-5 mm size of the particles. Moisture of the product is on the level of 9-10%. Ash content is 3,7-4%. Chlorine is 0,15%. Sulphur 0,28% . Net calorific value is 16,8-17 GJ per mt. PKE is a good biomass: ash is rather low, it does not have strong smell, net calorific value is rather high. Big quantities of Palm Kernel Expeller has been sold to UK power stations where it was used mostly for co firing with coal.